Reason for access request *
Affiliation (Academic Institution or Company)
Which models do you intend to use through our system? *
ABM-U (Algorithmic BDF Model for Unifacial Plant Leaves)
ABM-B (Algorithmic BDF Model for Bifacial Plant Leaves)
BioSpec (Biophysically-Based Spectral Model of Light Interaction with Human Skin)
CLBlood (Cell-Based Light Interaction Model for Human Blood)
HyLIoS (Hyperspectral Light Impingement on Skin)
HyLIoS MS (Hyperspectral Light Impingement on Skin - Melanoma Simulation)
ILIT (Iridial Light Transport Model)
SPLITS (Spectral Light Transport Model for Sand)
SPLITS-2 (Spectral Light Transport Model for Sand Ver.2)
SPLITSnow (Spectral Light Transport Model for Snow)
Please describe the project/application in which you intend to employ the simulation results to be obtained through the online usage of the selected model(s). This information will be used to determine whether access will be granted and the duration of the provided access. *
I agree that I will credit the employed model in any publications resulting from the produced data. I also agree for the above information to be used for grant application purposes. *