Natural Phenomena Simulation Group

University of Waterloo



Plant Leaves

  • Specific absorption coefficient (s.a.c.) of chlorophyll a+b (400-2500nm), derived using a data fitting approach (DFA), with a resolution of 5nm:

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    Original data source:
    S. Jacquemoud, S.L. Ustin, J. Verdebout, G. Schmuck, G. Andreoli and B. Hosgood, "Estimating leaf biochemistry using PROSPECT leaf optical properties model", Remote Sensing of Environment, V. 56, N. 3, pp. 194-202, June 1996.
  • Specific absorption coefficient (s.a.c.) of carotenoids (400-2500nm), derived from photoaccoustic spectral data (PAS) using an intersection point approach, adjusted for spectral shift and sieve effect (factor of intensification = 4), with a resolution of 5nm:

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    Original data source:
    D. Eng and G.V.G. Baranoski, "The application of photoacoustic absorption spectral data to the modeling of leaf optical properties in the vsible range", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, V. 45, N. 12, pp. 4077-4086, December 2007.
  • Specific absorption coefficient (s.a.c.) of water (400-2500nm), merging data from Pope and Fry's dataset (400-720nm) and Palmer and Williams' (linearly interpolated) dataset (725-2500), with a resolution of 5nm:

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    Original data source:
    R.M. Pope and E.S. Fry, Absorption spectrum (380-700nm) of pure water. II. Integrating cavity measurements, Applied Optics, V. 36, N. 33, pp. 8710-8723, November, 1997.

    K.F. Palmer and D. Williams, Optical Properties of water in the near infrared, Journal of the Optical Society of America, V. 64, pp. 1107-1110, August, 1974.
  • Specific absorption coefficient (s.a.c.) of cellulose+lignin (400-2500nm), with a resolution of 5nm:

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    Original data source:
    S. Jacquemoud, S.L. Ustin, J. Verdebout, G. Schmuck, G. Andreoli and B. Hosgood, "Estimating leaf biochemistry using PROSPECT leaf optical properties model", Remote Sensing of Environment, V. 56, N. 3, pp. 194-202, June 1996.
  • Specific absorption coefficient (s.a.c.) of protein (400-2500nm), with a resolution of 5nm:

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    Original data source:
    S. Jacquemoud, S.L. Ustin, J. Verdebout, G. Schmuck, G. Andreoli and B. Hosgood, "Estimating leaf biochemistry using PROSPECT leaf optical properties model", Remote Sensing of Environment, V. 56, N. 3, pp. 194-202, June 1996.
  • Refractive index (real part) of the epicuticular wax (400-2500nm), derived from the theoretical works by Vanderbilt and Grant and by Kuusk, with a resolution of 5nm:

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    Original data source:
    V.C. Vanderbilt, L. Grant, "Plant Canopy Specular Reflectance Model", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, V. 23, N. 5, pp. 722-730, September 1985.

    A. Kuusk, "A Multispectral Canopy Reflectance Model", Remote Sensing of Environment, V. 50, pp. 75-82, 1994.
  • Refractive index (real part) of wet mesophyl cell wall (400-2500nm) computed using the Dale and Glasdone law (Baranoski 2006) and considering the refractive index of water provided by Palmer and Williams (1974) as well as the refractive index of dry mesophyl cell wall, which was estimated to be 1.5479. This value was also obtained using the Dale and Gladstone law and considering the refractive index of wet mesophyll cell wall measured by Woolley (1975) at 800nm equal to 1.415 (Woolley 1975). Data resolution equal to 5nm:

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    Original data source:
    G.V.G. Baranoski "Modeling the interaction of infrared radiation (750 to 2500nm) with bifacial and unifacial plant leaves", Remote Sensing of Environment, V. 100, pp. 335-347, 2006.

    K.F. Palmer and D. Williams, Optical Properties of water in the near infrared, Journal of the Optical Society of America, V. 64, pp. 1107-1110, August, 1974.

    J.T. Wooley, "Refractive index of Soybean leaf cell walls", Plant Physiology, V. 55, pp. 172-174, 1975.
  • Refractive index (real part) of the wet antidermal cell wall (400-2500nm), computed using expression presented in the work by Baranoski (2006) and the refractive index of water provided by Palmer and Williams, with a resolution of 5nm:

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    Original data source:
    G.V.G. Baranoski "Modeling the interaction of infrared radiation (750 to 2500nm) with bifacial and unifacial plant leaves", Remote Sensing of Environment, 100, pp. 335-347, 2006.

    K.F. Palmer and D. Williams, Optical Properties of water in the near infrared, Journal of the Optical Society of America, V.64, pp. 1107-1110, August, 1974.

University of Waterloo . 200 University Avenue West . Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 . 519 888 4567
For suggestions and reproduction inquires, please contact Gladimir V. G. Baranoski.